Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Via Sommarive 5-9 - 38123 Povo - Trento
14.00 - 14.30
Why is it important to participate in ICT Days – Open Seminar
Povo 1, Room A103
The seminar will be led by Dr. Marco Parolini, Job Trainer
The five skills that will make a difference in the professions of the future.
15.00 - 17.00
Personal Branding and Social Reputation
Povo 1, Room Ofek
Training course to closed number
The training course will be led by Dr. Marco Parolini, Job Trainer
The term "Personal branding" or "Making marketing of your own self" is defined as the process of creation and enhancement of your own self in the job search. It is the set of ideas, skills, competencies and values that an individual is able to convey to a potential employer, from the professional point of view but also as a sum of all the elements that make you unique in your professional figure.
14.15 - 15.15
15.30 - 16.30
14.15 - 15.15
Get ready for the Career Day - Training course to closed number
Povo 1, Room Ofek
15.30 - 16.30
The training course will be led by Dr.
Serenella Panaro, Job Guidance.
They following topics will be covered:
- how to prepare to face a meeting with a company
- which elements are to be focused before the meeting
- what items should be discussed during the brief cognitive interview (and what are not to be treated)
- management of the relationships with company contacts (short and long terms)
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Via Sommarive 5-9 - 38123 Povo - Trento
9.15 - 9.45
Opening Ceremony of the ICT Days 2017
Povo 2, Room B107
Arrived at their 9 th year, the ICT Days are an annual event dedicated to ICT, innovation and research. Speakers include:
- Flavio Deflorian, Vice Rector - University of Trento
- Sara Ferrari, Assessor for university and research, youth policy, equal opportunities, development and cooperation - Autonomous Province of Trento
- Chiara Maule, Councillor for Innovation - Municipality of Trento
- Nicu Sebe, Head of the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
10.00 - 13.30
Career Day
Povo 1, Povo 2
A day dedicated to the meeting between innovative companies and university students of the first and master degree and of the doctoral school of the ICT area. Built around the modern needs of business world, it focuses on the moment of the interview. In this way the company can know, quickly and effectively, the skills and the goals of the students; the students, on their side, can take their first steps into the world of work and find out where they want to direct their talents.
11.30 - 12.30
Technology becomes a work of art and Art a technological work
Povo 1, Room Garda
Moderated by prof. Matteo Bonifacio (DISI / EIT Digital)
A new way of understanding art with computer technology
13.30 - 14.30
PhD Poster Competition & Lunch
Povo 2, Room B107
Exposition of works/research projects carried out by doctoral students in the field of ICT. Broad issues are presented in this dynamic and interactive poster session.
14.30 - 15.00
PhD Poster Competition Awards
Povo 2, Room B107
Companies will be asked to cast a vote on the best poster / presentation to award prizes.
15.00 - 00.00
Room Levico / Room Ofek
Presentation of the contents and rules for developers and start of the marathon. Developers will compete in a marathon of 25 hours to create an application with the support of experts and researchers in the field, and the opportunity to work on important issues in collaboration with the University of Trento
16.00 - 18.30
Big Data: a Game-Changer?
Povo 2, Room B107
Moderated by
Francesco Anesi (EURAC/European Academy, Bolzano)
Big Data are revolutionizing our world and are bringing a structural change upon society. Innovation is bringing a disruptive change in a multiplicity of economic sectors. Scenarios for the future are changing dramatically. What are the new opportunities brought by new technology/technologies (and markets)? What are the role of universities? How can enterprises surf this technological wave?
Analytics is a serious question, and has many applications also in the field of sports. This is demonstrated by the fact that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford and other US-based universities are organizing annual conferences and a series of institutional activities in the field of sport analytics. Microsoft has devoted an initial endowment of 17 million Euro, has established the Global Sport Innovation Centre in Madrid and supports entrepreneurs and startup linked with the world of sports. What can the sociology of big data tell to managers/entrepreneurs and researchers? How can our generation prepare for the revolution of big data? How can society reap the benefit of globalizing technologies?
- Dr. Gianmarco Campagnolo, Lecturer & Programme Director; Alan Turing Inaugural Fellow, University of Edinburgh
- Prof. Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffe, Lecturer of Strategic Management,SDA Bocconi
- Dr. Fabio Filocamo, CEO Dynamis, innovation columnist at Corriere della Sera, President of the Harvard Club of Italy
- Michele Scian, H-Farm
- David Rosa, Chief Tecnological Officer, Microsoft Global Sport InnovationCentre, Madrid
- Pietro Giovannelli, Vodafone Advanced Analytics Technology Lead
- Prof. Paolo Bouquet, Delegate of the Rector for sport, University of Trento
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Via Sommarive 5-9 - 38123 Povo - Trento
00.00 - 16.00
Room Levico / Room Ofek
The challenge goes on...
16.00 - 16.30
Hackathon awarding ceremony
Povo 2, Room B107
Awarding of the winners of the 25 hours coding marathon.
16.30 - 18.00
How Agile Dev Teams work
Povo 2, Room B107
A seminar by Paros and XPeppers
Agile methods are often advocated as a natural step for companies that want to improve their internal organization business but how does this adoption reflect on the weekly workflow of a development team crafting a new software?
In this seminar Paros and XPeppers will give you useful insights handpicked by the experience they lived in the last 3 years. We will tell you how the development team discovered a new path towards the production of quality software built around collaboration, shared values and technical excellence.
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Via Sommarive 5-9 - 38123 Povo - Trento
14.30 - 16.30
Povo 1, Room Ofek
CoderDojo is a non-profit organization born in Ireland in 2011 with more than 300 computer clubs volunteers worldwide. Aimed at children and adolescents, it has the aim of organizing free meetings to allow them to familiarize and learn about the tools of information technology. The participation is free, you just need to:
- be between 7 and 15 years old;
- enroll in the registration link;
- for children under 13 years is necessary to have a parent or accompanying adult;
- you must bring your own PC (the workshop is held mode BYOD = bring your own device).
The event is organized in collaboration with Coder Dolomiti.
Department of Sociology and Social Research
Via Verdi, 26 - 38122 Trento
8.30 - 17.00
Cyber Risk e Business: Prepared or Naked to the destination?
Room Kessler
In 2016, cyber threats grew exponentially as well as the number of successful cyber-attacks.
In this context, information security (or cyber security), is becoming an issue that no longer concerns only professionals but affects every field, from the large enterprise to the individual user.
» Details...
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Via Sommarive 5-9 - 38123 Povo - Trento
9.30 - 10.30
OPEN Day at the University of Trento
Povo 2, Room B107
Presentation of programmes and services.
Speaker: Giulia Boato
10.30 - 12.15
LABS & Visit to the Data Center
Povo 1, Povo 2
The ICT Days offer various deepening initiatives reserved to the prospective students:
- guided visits to labs;
- guided tours to Data Center.
12.15 - 13.15
Vision on new technology
Povo 1, Room A103
Seminar dedicated to the students of the OPEN Day.
Overview on global and professional scenarios in the field of ICT with evidence from research and job.
Speakers include:
- Elio Salvadori
- Annapaola Marconi
- Tommaso Pisoni
14.00 - 15.00
OPEN Day at the University of Trento
Povo 2, Room B107
Presentation of programmes and services.
Speaker: Roberto Sebastiani
15.00 - 16.00
Povo 2, Room B107
Laboratories: robotics, embedded systems and quantum computing