Cyber Risk e Business: Prepared or Naked to the destination?

March 9, 2017 | 08.30 - 17.00

Room Kessler, Department of Sociology and Social research

Via Verdi, 26 - 38122 Trento

In 2016, cyber threats grew exponentially as well as the number of successful cyber-attacks.

In this context, information security (or cyber security), is becoming an issue that no longer concerns only professionals but affects every field, from the large enterprise to the individual user.

In this scenario we need to investigate what companies are doing, or rather planning to do, as violations of corporate systems affect the data of thousands users.

Is the world of business prepared to face the terrorists of the future? Is it at least aware of the possible risks or does it go on thinking that cyber security is "not his cup of tea"?

The authoritative speakers are going to guide us through these issues.



8.30 - 9.00
Presentazione dell’evento
Chairman: Pierluigi Sartori, ISACA VENICE Chapter
Security e Compliance: un compromesso è possibile?
Dott. Silvio Ranise, FBK
La definizione del processo di (Cyber) Incident Management
Toto Zammataro, Intellium Ltd
Coffe break offerto dagli Sponsor e dai Sostenitori di ISACA VENICE
Cybersecurity: tra best practice e tecnologie
Andrea Mattioli, IKS
Titolo in definizione
Fabrizio Fabbri, ENI
Tavola Rotonda "2017-2020: Quali scenari per la business cybersecurity?"
Clara Fresca Fantoni, Informatica Trentina
Alessandro Zorer, Trentino Network
Toto Zammataro, Intellium Ltd
Andrea Mattioli, IKS
Silvio Ranise FBK
Pranzo offerto dagli Sponsor e dai Sostenitori di ISACA VENICE
Privacy in the Google Era: Gestione dei dati ai tempi della delocalizzazione
Prof. Renato Lo Cigno, Università di Trento
GDPR – Come affrontare il percorso di compliance in modo efficace
Claudio De Paoli, BIP
Security & Privacy - L'offerta Universitaria nel campo dell'ICT Innovation
Prof. Fabio Massacci, Università di Trento
Gestire la cybersecurity: Implicazioni organizzative
Diego Ponte, Università di Trento